Monday, May 11, 2009


All day yesterday I had to work because my boss wouldn't let me go home, "you're not that sick, you came in didn't you?"

Only reason I came in was because I had called in and he said too many people were calling in sick and I had to come in, if I was really sick as I said I was he'd see it. Well everybody at work saw it but him. Especially the customers that asked for another waitress because they were afriad I would get them sick.

It was hella busy. I had to take the largest section because I'm the last one there, the other servers didn't want to give me the smaller section because they didn't feel like it today (exact words). I always take the bigger section because they never feel like it, but usually it doesn't bother me.

So anyway, after being so busy and taking more tables then anyone else, I lost my voice and my entire body began to hurt. That's when my tables started to request different servers. Which after telling my boss that his response was that I was a worthless employee and I should be fired. I had been close to tears all day and almost thought I was going to then. Instead I was getting ready to punch him.

Luckly his wife is also a server and came over and bitched him out, saving my job.

When I went home I just had to lay down, and eat cereal because my parents already ate and didn't feel like bringing me home anything. All night I've been waking up either really really cold and shivering under five blankets, or sweating even after I kick everything off.

Three in the morning and I'm fully awake :(

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