Monday, March 23, 2009

I hate snow :)

In my own sad opinion, Snow sucks really really bad. And I am so ready for all of the snowing to just be OVER with completely. Here I'm going to list ten reasons of why I hate snow.

So here it is:
  1. It is freaking cold ALL of the time, and when you are as small as I am, you were already cold all of the time. When it snows it is just 20 times colder! There is not enough clothing in the world to keep me warm right now.
  2. When it is snowing outside and it makes it so I can't go into work, it makes  me look bad. "Everybody else is driving into work," Yes that may  be true, but not everybody else is driving MY car. It's a piece of junk! Or when I am on my way into work and they call and say they don't need me. It's also a pain in the ass to turn around in the snow. If you get stuck, nobody wants to pull over and help, because it's COLD.
  3. Driving the day after a snow storm or a few days after when it's not snowing anymore and a little sunny is really hard because the sun reflecting off the snow into my eyes makes it very hard to see and drive straight.
  4. Ice, is what comes after the snow has melted from the sunny weather then  re-frozen from another snow storm, itloves to form around my car. Ice is slippery, slip resistant shoes do not slip on water, but they do slip on ice. very easily. Ice is even worse when it is snowing because it becomes that much more slippery. You walk to your car, you open your piece of junk door that is heavy, and then you fall on the very hard, wet, slippery ice.
  5. The only shoes I have that are suitable for snow are my snow boots. I got these suckers when I was in the 6th grade. They are too small for me and they are not cute what so ever. I cannot wear any of my cute shoes that I bought for the spring/summer/fall because if I wear them in the snow then they are sure to be ruined. If they are not ruined by the snow, then my feet are still too cold to wear them. 
  6. Since I am always cold, I have to constantly wear a sweater, hoody, or a jacket. This prevents me from wearing any cute clothes that I want people to see, because I am wearing the same sweater as yesterday and the day before that. It also prevents me from wearing dresses or skirts of any sort.
  7. Distance is a killer when it comes to snow. My boyfriend, James, lives 40 minutes away from me in good weather. He now lives 1 hour and 30 minutes away when there is snow on the ground. When it is snowing, he may as well live on another continent, because neither of us can drive to see each other. Which makes distance even worse.
  8. If you are sitting at home after you cannot go into work and cannot drive up to see your boyfriend, then you certainly are not watching T.V. because there is snow on your satellite, that is blocking your signal keeping you from enjoying any T.V. shows. 
  9. If there is no snow on your Satellite, don't worry, the power is out.
  10. When your power is out and you are stuck at home, because you can't get out of your driveway; You're bored because there is no T.V. or light to read; You're hungry because there is no way to heat up your food on your electric stove or your microwave (you'll want something warm to eat); You're wet from falling on the ice in the snow when you cleared off your car; And you are now freezing! But you can't turn on the heat because there is no electricity.
Of course I just spent the short time that I had with the power on to type this up for you because I'm that pissed off about it.

Written: February 17, 2009.  9:38 a.m. 

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